Good projectImplant repair of various dentition defects and omissions, of difficult affected teeth, treatment of oral neck and facialtumors, congenital malformations, neck and facial trauma andoral complicated diseases.
Good projectThe diagnosis and treatment of difficult periodontal diseases,such as gum bleeding, gum redness and swelling, periodontal ab.scess, gum recession, loose teeth, weak chewing, and oral odor
Good projectComprehensive treatment of various malocclusion deformities.early childhood functional treatment, children/adults invisibletreatment,impacted tooth orthodontic traction treatment, hypopnea sleep disorder syndrome (snoring) treatment, temporo.mandibular joint orthodontic treatment
Good projectImplant repair of various dentition defects and omissions, re-moval of difficult affected teeth, treatment of oral neck and facialtumors, congenital malformations, neck and facial trauma andoral complicated diseases...
Good projectImplant restoration under complex bone defect conditions, im.plant restoration for edentulous jaws, immediate implantation,alveolar ridge bone augmentation with guided bone regenerationtechnology, maxillary sinus lift surgery, etc.
Good projectMinimally invasive implantation, complex implantation, digital immedi.ate implantation and restoration, complete denture, removable partialdenture restoration and allceramic aesthetic restoration, correction ofvarious malocclusions, laser treatment for difficult oral diseases, etc.
Good projectComprehensive correction of complex malocclusions, digital in.visible orthodontics, orthodontic treatment for difficult cases inchildren during the developmental stage, inlay/veneer aestheticrestoration, diagnosis and treatment of complex pulp diseasesand periapical diseases.
Good projectDiagnosis, design and treatment ofvarious malocclusions, early diagnosis andtreatment of dental malformations and dysplasia in adolescents, anteriortooth aesthetic restoration, digital restoration, diagnosis and comprehensivetreatment ofdental caries and periodontal diseases, microscopic treatment ofdifficult root canals, comprehensive treatment of other diseases.
Good projectComprehensive correction of various types of malocclusions in adults andadolescents; traditional fixed orthodontics and digital invisible orthodon.tics; full-mouth aesthetic restoration for cases with excessive gaps betweenteeth, missing teeth, tetracycline-stained teeth and dental fluorosis; digitalall-ceramic restoration, diagnosis and treatment of endodontic diseasesand periodontal diseases, microscopic root canal treatment.
Good projectTraditional fixed orthodontic treatment and digital invisible orthodontictreatment, correction of malocclusions of all ages and various types, or-thodontic treatment for adolescents, dental aesthetic restoration, mini.mally invasive extraction of various complicated teeth, periodontaltreatment and root canal treatment, etc.